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     2013/102021/1:荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,应用地球物理,博士(part-time),导师Evert Slob教授,博士论文《Novel Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Oil Fields》.






      2019/12020/3:荷兰代尔夫特理工大学土木与地球科学学院,访问学者,合作导师:Prof. Evert SlobCSC(中)及NWO(荷)联合资助.

      2018/12:瑞士洛桑大学地球与环境学院,短期访问,合作导师:Prof. Klaus Holliger,瑞方资助.

      2018/12018/3:英国爱丁堡大学工程学院,短期访问,合作导师 Dr. Antonios Giannopoulos,欧盟HPC-Europa3计划资助.

      2009/102010/11:荷兰代尔夫特理工大学土木与地球科学学院,访问学者,合作导师Dr. Evert SlobNUFFIC(荷)奖学金资助.





     2023: 基于火星次表层探测雷达的乌托邦平原典型地貌和构造特征类比研究, 国家自然科学基金专项项目,主持.  

     2022-2023: 机载探地雷达土壤含水率探测方法研究, 哈尔滨工业大学重庆研究院委托项目,主持.

     2022-2023: 基于深度学习的探地雷达隧道衬砌病害检测技术研究, 云南航天工程物探检测股份有限公司委托项目,主持.










     2009-2011: Borehole radar measurements to detect gas coning or early water breakthrough in individual horizontal well segments, ISAPP (sponsored by Shell, TU Delft and TNO),参与.


     Sijing Liu (博士), Landerlei Almeida Santos, Song Ning, Feng Zhou, Hai Liu, Xiangyun Hu*, Pattern Analyses of Lunar Penetrating Radar Images at Chang'E-3, 4, and 5 Landing Sites: A New Insight Into the Evolution of Lunar Regolith, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 2023, 128(6): e2022JE007675.

     Iraklis Giannakis*, Javier Martin-Torres, Yan Su, Jianqing Feng, Feng Zhou, Maria-Paz Zorzano, Craig Warren, Antonios Giannopoulos, Evidence of shallow basaltic lava layers in Von Kármán crater from Yutu-2 Lunar Penetrating Radar, Icarus, 2024, 408: 115837.

     Jian Huang (硕士), Xi Yang, Feng Zhou*, Xiaofeng Li, Bin Zhou, Song Lu, Sergey Ivashov, Iraklis Giannakis, Fannian Kong, Evert Slob. A deep learning framework based on improved self-supervised learning for ground-penetrating radar tunnel lining inspection, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (IF=10.066), 2024, 39(6), 1856-1862 (入选封面文章).

     Feng Zhou, Iraklis Giannakis, Antonios Giannopoulos, Klaus Holliger, Evert Slob, Extracting mud invasion information using borehole radar—a numerical study, Geophysics, 88(2), D69–D83.

      Xiaofeng Li(硕士), Hai Liu, Feng Zhou*, Zhongchang Chen, Iraklis Giannakis, Evert Slob, Deep learning-based nondestructive evaluation of reinforcement bars using ground-penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction data, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (IF=11.775), 2022, 37(14): 1834-1853.

      Iraklis Giannakis*, Feng Zhou, Craig Warren, Antonios GiannopoulosInferring the shallow layered structure at the ChangE-4 landing site: A novel interpretation approach using lunar penetrating radar, Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48(16): e2021GL092866.

Iraklis Giannakis*, Feng Zhou, Crag Warren, Antonis Giannopoulos, On the Limitations of Hyperbola Fitting for Estimating the Radius of Cylindrical Targets in Nondestructive Testing and Utility Detection, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 202219, 1-5.


     Feng Zhou*, Iraklis Giannakis, Antonios Giannopoulos, Klaus Holliger, Evert Slob, Estimating reservoir permeability with borehole radar, Geophysics, 2020, 85(4): H51H60.

     周峰,汪文,李杉杉,李杏梅,基于GprMax的交互式电磁仿真与教学软件系统,电气电子教学学报2019, 41(5)128-133.


     Feng Zhou, Zhongchang Chen, Hai Liu*, Jie Cui, Billie F. Spencer, Guangyou Fang. Simultaneous estimation of rebar diameter and cover thickness by a GPR-EMI dual sensor, Sensors, 2018, 18(9), 2969.

     Feng Zhou*, Mattia Miorali, Evert Slob, Xiangyun Hu, Reservoir monitoring using borehole radars to improve oil recovery: Suggestions from 3D EM and fluid modeling, Geophysics, 2018, 83(2): WB19WB32.

     周峰,孟庆鑫,胡祥云*Evert Slob,潘和平,马火林,利用阵列感应测井进行储层渗透率评价(英文同步出版名:Evaluation of reservoir permeability using array induction logging),地球物理学报201659(11)43604371.

     Zhou Feng, Hu Xiang-Yun*, Meng Qing-Xin, Hu Xu-Dong, Liu Zhi-Yuan, Model and method of permeability evaluation based on mud invasion effects (中文同步出版名:利用泥浆侵入效应评估储层渗透率的模型和方法), Applied Geophysics, 2015, 12(4): 482492.

     Feng Zhou*, Xiangyun Hu, Junrong Liu, Comparative study of feedback control policies in water flooding production, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27(3): 13481356.



     Mattia Miorali*, Feng Zhou, Evert Slob, Rob Arts, Coupling ground penetrating radar and fluid flow modeling for oilfield, Geophysics, 2011, 76(3): A21A25.




    20th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (2024,吉林长春)技术委员会委员

    6th edition of Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering (2024,日本筑波) 技术委员会委员

    5th edition of Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering (2022Taipei) 技术委员会委员.

    《Remote Sensing》期刊专辑“Radar Techniques for Structures Characterization and Monitoring”(20212022) 客座编辑.



    SEG Workshop on Underground Water and Karst Imaging (2020, Beijing), 技术委员会委员.

    Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2019, Xiamen), Special Session on Subsurface Sensing and Imaging, 共同召集人.





                                                         Dr. Feng Zhou (Associate professor, PhD supervisor)

    Feng Zhou is an associate professor at the Department of Communication Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering & Electronic Information, China of University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He got the first PhD degree in Geo-detection and Information Technology from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 2011. In 2021, he got his second PhD degree in Applied Geophysics from Delft University of Technology. His interests include forward and inversion of electromagnetic geophysics, borehole electromagnetic methods, ground-penetrating radar applications in petroleum and civil engineering, artificial intelligence applications in geosciences and civil engineering. He published tens of papers in international journals and is a principal investigator for more than ten projects including four NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China projects.

Contact: zhoufeng@cug.edu.cn

Recruitment of International students and post doctors:

    International students for master and PhD study are welcome. I would be happy to assist the candidates to apply for the CSC or university scholarships. Please read my profile below before sending emails to me. The discipline of master degree is Information and Telecommunication Engineering. The PhD degree is Geological Equipment Engineering, for which the master students majoring in geophysics, electrical engineering, computing science and petroleum engineering can apply. My study interests are electromagnetic computations, ground-penetrating radar, oil production optimization, non-destructive testing and artificial intelligence. 

     Postdoctoral positions are open at any time. Any PhD holder with interests in ground-penetrating radar, well logging, artificial intelligence applications in geosciences or smart well production optimization are welcome. Please contact me to discuss the project topics and salary.

Research interests:

Numerical simulations in electromagnetics and multiphase flow;

Applications of ground penetrating radar in civil engineering and geosciences;

Borehole geophysics;

Artificial intelligence in geosciences.

Educational Background:

    2013.10–2021.01: PhD in Applied Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Supervisor: Prof. Evert Slob, Thesis Title: “Novel Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Oil Fields”.

2013.04–2016.04: Postdoc in Geophysics, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China, Supervisor: Prof. Xiangyun Hu, Research Report: “Study of Permeability Estimation Using Array Induction Logging”.

2007.09–2011.12: PhD in Geo-detection and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China, Supervisor: Prof. Heping Pan, Thesis Title: “Reservoir Dynamic Monitoring Using Borehole Radar and its Application in Smart Well Production”.  

2005.09–2007.06: MSc in Solid Earth Geophysics, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China, Supervisor: Prof. Heping Pan, Thesis Title: “Forward and Inversion of Surface-Borehole Induced Polarization”.

1998.09–2002.06: BSc in Telecommunications Engineering, PLA. Second Artillery College of Commanding, China.

Academic Visits:

     2019.01–2020.03: Visiting Scholar, Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Supervisor: Prof. Evert Slob, Funded by CSC (China Scholarship Council) and NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research).

     2018.12: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, The University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Supervisor: Prof. Klaus Holliger, Funded by the Institute of Earth Sciences of the University of Lausanne.  

 2018.01–2018.03: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, The United Kingdom, Supervisor: Dr. Antonis Giannopoulos, Funded by the HPC-Europa3 Program.

 2009.10–2010.11: Visiting Scholar, Department of Geotechnology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Supervisor: Dr. Evert Slob, Funded by Nuffic Program.

Journal Publications:

    Xiaofeng Li, Hai Liu, Feng Zhou*, Zhongchang Chen, Iraklis Giannakis, Evert Slob, Deep learning-based nondestructive evaluation of reinforcement bars using ground-penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction data, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, online published, SCI, IF = 11.775.

    Iraklis Giannakis*, Feng Zhou, Craig Warren, Antonios Giannopoulos,Inferring the shallow layered structure at the Chang’E-4 landing site: A novel interpretation approach using lunar penetrating radar, Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48(16): e2021GL092866, SCI.

    CAO Fei, ZHOU Yu, WANG Chunxiao, REN Mengyu, ZHOU Feng*, An improved support vector regression method for concrete strength prediction. Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2021, 40(1), 90-97.

Feng Zhou*, Iraklis Giannakis, Antonios Giannopoulos, Klaus Holliger, Evert Slob. Estimating reservoir permeability with borehole radar. Geophysics, 2020, 85(4): H51-H60.

Feng Zhou, Hangjun Liu*. Numerical simulations of radar logging and the characteristic analysis of electromagnetic propagation. Geological Science and Technology Information, 2018, 37(4): 246–252 (in Chinese).

Feng Zhou, Zhongchang Chen, Hai Liu*, Jie Cui, Billie F. Spencer, Guangyou Fang. Simultaneous estimation of rebar diameter and cover thickness by a GPR-EMI dual sensor. Sensors, 2018, 18(9): 2969.

Feng Zhou*, Mattia Miorali, Evert Slob, Xiangyun Hu. Reservoir monitoring using borehole radars to improve oil recovery: Suggestions from 3D EM and fluid modeling. Geophysics, 2018, 83(2): WB19–WB32.

     Feng Zhou, Qingxin Meng, Xiangyun Hu*, Evert Slob, Heping Pan, Huolin Ma. Evaluation of reservoir permeability using array induction logging. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2016, 59(6): 703–716 (in English and Chinese).

     Feng Zhou, Xiangyun Hu*, Qingxin Meng, Xudong Hu, Zhiyuan Liu. Model and method of permeability evaluation based on mud invasion effects. Applied Geophysics, 2015, 12(4): 482–492 (in English and Chinese).

     Feng Zhou*, Xiangyun Hu, Junrong Liu. Comparative study of feedback control policies in water flooding production. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27(3): 1348–1356.

    Feng Zhou, Junrong Liu, Xiangyun Hu*. Numerical simulation of intelligent well feedback control production strategies. Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2014, 38(4): 110–116 (in Chinese).

    Feng Zhou*. Advances in smart well monitoring technology. Geological Science and Technology Information, 2013, 32(2): 174–180 (in Chinese).

    Mattia Miorali*, Feng Zhou, Evert Slob, Rob Arts. Coupling ground penetrating radar and fluid flow modeling for oilfield. Geophysics, 2011, 76(3): A21–A25.

    Feng Zhou, Heping Pan*, Guojun Wen, Zhihua Li. Three-dimensional forward modeling of borehole induced polarization using finite difference method. Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 2010, 25(4): 785–792 (in Chinese).


Feng Zhou*, Iraklis Giannakis, Antonis Giannopoulos, Evert Slob, SEG Workshop on Underground Water and Karst Imaging, Beijing, 2020/08/28, invited talk.

Xiaofeng Li, Zhongchang Chen, Xuefeng Yin, Zhiwei Duan, Feng Zhou, Hai Liu, Guangyou Fang. Concrete rebar characterization based on machine learning. PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xiamen, 2019/12/17-2019/12/20, oral talk.

Feng Zhou, Iraklis Giannakis, Antonis Giannopoulos, Evert Slob. Associating borehole radar imaging with petrophysical properties for a mud-contaminated reservoir. Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition 2019, The Hague, 2019/9/8-2019/9/12, oral talk.

Feng Zhou, Xiangyun Hu, Iraklis Giannakis, Antonios Giannopoulos, Klaus Holliger, Evert Slob. Borehole radar response of a mud-invaded oil-bearing layer. Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, 2019/4/7–2019/4/12, poster.

Feng Zhou, Zhongchang Chen, Li Ma, Hai Liu, Guangyou Fang. Applying machine learning for rapid and automatic characterizations of concrete rebars based on EMI and GPR data. Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, 2019/4/7–2019/4/12, poster.

Feng Zhou, Mattia Miorali, Evert Slob. Applying Borehole Radar in Production Monitoring for Recovery Improving. BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Well Stimulation and EOR (Xi’an, China), 2012.

Mattia Miorali, Feng Zhou, Evert Slob, Rob Arts. Water Front Monitoring by Ground Penetrating Radar Technology. SEG Annual Meeting (Denver, USA), 2010.

Feng Zhou, Mattia Miorali, Evert Slob, Rob Arts. A 3-D Numerical Investigation of Reservoir Monitoring with Borehole Radar and its Application in Smart Well. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA), 2011.

Evert Slob, Feng Zhou, Andrea Di Matteo, Claudio Patriarca. Extracting Subsurface Information from GPR Reflection and Transmission Data. AGU fall meeting (San Francisco, USA), 2011.

Principal Investigator

     2020-2023: Joint GPR-EMI high-precision nondestructive testing method based on deep learning, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

     2018–2019: Reservoir evaluation using radar logging, International Cooperation and Exchange of NSFC (Cooperating with NWO of The Netherlands).

2017–2020: Study on estimation method of reservoir permeability using borehole radars, NSFC.

2016–2018: Permeability estimation in low-porosity and low-permeability reservoirs, PetroChina Innovation Foundation.

2014–2016: Mechanism and method study of reservoir monitoring using borehole radar, NSFC.

2013–2016: Radar monitoring of smart well in deep water reservoirs, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

Academic Community Volunteers:

5th edition of Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering (2022, Taipei) Committee Member.

Guest Editor on Special Issue “Radar Techniques for Structures Characterization and Monitoring” of “Remote Sensing”, 2021–2022.

Project Peer Reviewer of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2020–2022.

Project Peer Reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016–now.

    SEG Workshop on Underground Water and Karst Imaging, 2020, Beijing, Technical Committee Member.

Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2019, Xiamen, Special Session on Subsurface Sensing and Imaging, Co-convener.

14rd China International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop, 2019, Xuzhou, Session on Marine Electromagnetic Method, Co-convener.

13rd China International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop, 2017, Wuhan, Session on Marine and Borehole Electromagnetic Method, Co-convener.